Külföldi szakcikkek |
A. Freese et al. : Habitat use of the endangered butterfly Euphydryas maturna and forestry in Central Europe
Abrehart T.: Butterflies of Southern Greece
Adamski P. : Sex ratio of apollo butterfly Parnassius apollo (Lepidoptera - Papilionidae) – facts and artifacts
Altermatt F., Burckhardt D.: Beitrag zur Schmetterlingsfauna des Aletschgebietes (Wallis)
Alzugaray I., Aguirresarobe M. : Mariposas diurnas (Lepidoptera – Rhopalocera) de Bigüézal (Navarra)
Anastassiu T. H, Coutsis G. J., Ghavalas N. : New data regarding the geographical distribution of P. graeca in Greece, with notes
Beck H., Kobes L., Aho M. : Die generische Aufgliederung von Noctua Linnaeus, 1758 (Lepldoptera, Noctuidae, Noctuinae)
Beeke M. et al. : Beobachtungen zur Biologie von Aglia tau (Linnaeus, 1758) im Freiland (Lepidoptera – Saturniidae, Agliinae)
Bella S., Fibiger M. : Contribution to the knowledge of Noctuoidea in Sicily (Lepidoptera Nolidae, Erebidae, Noctuidae)
Benes J., Cizek O., Ovala J., Konvicka M.: Intensive game keeping, coppicing and butterflies - The story of Milovicky Wood, Czech Republic
Bengtsson B.-A. : Fjärilar – Butterflies and moths
Bergman K. O.: Oviposition, host plant choice and survival of a grass feeding butterfly, the Woodland Brown (Lopinga achine) (Nymphalidae - Satyrinae)
Bergman K.-O.: Lopinga achine Dårgräsfjäril
Beshkov S., Wegner H.: Macrolepidoptera of the Greek part of the Eastern Rhodopes
Biocont Lab.: Naturschutz durch Ökologisierung im Weinbau
Bischof A.: Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Schmetterlingsfauna des Albulatals, Kanton Graubünden, Schweiz (Lepidoptera)
Bolotov N. I., Shutova V. E.: Patterns of Formation of Island Fauna of Butterflies (Lepidoptera, Diurna) at the Northern Forest Boundary in the Region of Pleistocene Continental Glaciation
Brehm G. et al. : Wanderfalter in Europa (Lepidoptera)
Bura L. V.: Whistling in caterpillars (Amorpha juglandis, Bombycoidea) - sound producing mechanism and function
Burnaz S., Balazs M.: Contributions to the knowledge of diurnal Lepidoptera fauna of the North-Eastern part of Ţarcu Mountains (Southern Carpathians, Romania)
Butterfly Checklist of China: China
Caliskan S., Bozaci V.: A new form of Melitaea phoebe (Goeze, 1779) (Lepidoptera) from the Mediterranean region (Turkey)
Catania A. : Notes on two interesting specimens of Hippotion celerio (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae)
Celik T., Vreš B., Seliškar A.: The status of populations and habitats and recommendations for monitoring of threatened species False Ringlet (Coenonympha oedippus)....
Celnik T., Vres B., Seliskar A.: Determinants of within-patch microdistribution and movements of endangered butterfly Coenonympha oedippus (Fabricius, 1787) (Nymphalidae Satyrinae)
Choi H. K. et al.: Construction of a Transgenic Silkworm Carrying the Fibroin Gene of the Japanese Oak Silkworm, Antheraea yamamai
Cifuentes J., Alcobendas M.: Los Noctuidae y las formaciones vegetales del norte de España (Insecta Lepidoptera)
Cizek O., Konvicka M.: What is a patch in a dynamic metapopulation Mobility of an endangered woodland butterfly, Euphydryas maturna
Conrad et al.: Rapid declines of common, widespread british moths provide evidence of an insect biodiversity crisis
Conservatoire d’espaces naturels: La Bacchante n’a pas disparu
Corduneanu C. et al.: New Data on the Lepidoptera in the North-East of Romania
Corduneanu C., Balan C., Surugiu I.: Lepidoptera of Humid Area „Orăşeni Vale”(Orăşeni Vale, Botoşani County, Romania)
Corduneanu G., Corduneanu C. : Lepidoptera of humid area „Valea Seacă” (Horodnicu de Sus, Suceava county, Romania)
Corley V. F. M. et al. : New and interesting Portuguese Lepidoptera records from 2012 (Insecta - Lepidoptera)
Corley V. F. M., Marabuto E., Pires P.: New Lepidoptera for the fauna of Portugal (Insecta - Lepidoptera)
Couckuyt J. : Zoektocht naar de rupsen van Apatura iris (Linnaeus, 1758), de Grote weerschijnvlinder, in het bossencomplex van Berlare
Courtois M.-J.: Les Macroheteroceres Paludicoles de Lorraine
Coutsis G. J., Ghavalas N.: Agriades pyrenaicus (Boisduval, 1840) from N. Greece and notes on Apatura metis (Freyer, 1829) from N.E. Greece (Lepidoptera – Lycaenidae, Nymphalidae)
Cremene C., Rákosy L., Erhardt A.: Diversity of Macrolepidoptera in steppe habitats of Caianu Mic (Cluj)
Crisan A. Cremene C., Rákosy L., Erhardt A. : Diversity of Macrolepidoptera in steppe habitats of Caianu-Mic (Cluj)
Crisan A. et al.: Multiannual population size estimates and mobility of the endemic Pseudophilotes bavius hungarica (Lepidoptera - Lycaenidae) from Transylvania (Romania)
Crisan A. et al.: The protected Transylvanian Blue (Pseudophilotes bavius hungarica) - new information on the morphology and biology
Culot J. P.: Noctuelles et Géomètres d'Europe
Curcic B. S.: Micro- and Nanostructures of Iridescent Wing Scales in Purple Emperor Butterflies (Lepidoptera - Apatura ilia and A. iris)
Cuvelier S., Dincă V.: New data regarding the butterflies (Lepidoptera - Rhopalocera) of Romania, with additional comments
Dabrowski S. J. et al. : Polska czerwona ksiega zwierzat – Bezkregowce w konfrontacji ze zmianami w siedliskach zycia zagrozonych gatunków
Dapporto L. et al.: I Macrolepidotteri del Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi, del Monte Falterona e di Campigna (Lepidoptera)
Darcemont C., Legakis A.: Noms vernaculaires en grec des papillons de Grčce (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera)
Davenport T.: Butterflies of Estonia
de Freina J. J. , Witt T.: Zur Nomenklatur und Systematik von Rhyparioides metelkanus (Lederer, 1861) (vorgeschlagen als nomen conservandum) und Rhyparioides metelkanus flavidus (Bremer, 1861) (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae IX)
de Freina J. J., Witt J. T.: Zur Nomenklatur und Systematik von Rhyparioides metelkanus (Lederer, 1861)(vorgeschlagen als nomen conservandum) und Rhyparioides metelkanus flavidus (Bremer, 1861)
Delmas S. : Les papillons de jour du languedoc – roussillon – des solutions pour identifier les espéces problématiques
Demergés D., Robineau R.: Les chenilles des papillons de France - Lasiocampidae, Endromidae, Saturniidae, Lemoniidae & Sphingidae
Dennis H. L. R.: The Ecology of Butterflies in Britain
Descimon H.: A mutant affecting wing pattern in Parnassius apollo (Linne) (Lepidoptera Papilionidae)
Descimon H., Mallet J.: Bad species
Dinca V., Kolev Z., Verovnik R.: The distribution, ecology and conservation status of the Spinose Skipper Muschampia cribrellum (Eversmann, 1841) at the western limit of its range in Europe (Hesperiidae)
Dolek M. et al.: Mortality of early instars in the highly endangered butterfly Euphydryas maturna (Linnaeus, 1758) (Nymphalidae)
Dolek M., Hager A., Geyer A.: Conservation of endangered butterflies in forests - Habitat use and implementation of specific management
Dufay C.: Un Plusiinae nouveau pour la France – Diachrysia nadeja (Oberthur), 1880 (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae)
Dunn C. T., Parrack D. J.: The moths and butterflies of Northumberland and Durham
Duric M., Franeta F.: First study of the butterflies (Lepidoptera – Papilionoidea) of Mt. Mucanj
Dusej G. et al.: Waldtagfalter - Praktische Tipps für die Aufwertung von Lebensräumen
Dziekanska I., Sielezniew M.: Butterflies (Lepidoptera Hesperioidea, Papilionoidea) of the Kampinos National Park and its buffer zone
Eikamp H., Hohmann R.: Bedrohte, gefährdete und geschützte Schmetterlinge Kamillen-Mönch, Cucullia chamomillae
Eis R.: Tagfalter und tagfliegende Nachtfalter am Südrand des militärischen Sperrgebietes Großmittel
Eisner C.: New forms in the genus Erebia
Eliasson U. C. : Cryphia domestica
Eliasson U. C.: Cucullia argentea
Eliasson U. C.: Cucullia artemisiae
Eliasson U. C.: Hadena filograna
Embacher G.: Lepidopterologische Besonderheiten aus dem Lungau, Land Salzburg (Insecta - Lepidoptera)
Fartmann T., Hermann M., Hermann G.: Larvalökologie von Tagfaltern und Widderchen in Mitteleuropa – von den Anfängen bis heute
Feltes E. Neuhöfer O.: Acherontia atropos (Totenkopfschwärmer)
Ferguson C. D.: Host records for Lepidoptera reared in eastern north America
Fibiger M.: Checklist of the quadrifid noctuoidea of Europe
Fibiger M. comp.: Checklist of the qadrifid Noctuoidea of Europe
Fibiger M., Hacker H. H.: Systematic List of the Noctuoidea of Europe (Notodontidae, Nolidae, Arctiidae, Lymantriidae, Erebidae, Micronoctuidae, and Noctuidae)
Fischer F.: Ein Beitrag zur Zucht von Acherontia atropos
Foltin H.: Die Verbreitung der dunklen Formen von Aglia tau L., mut. ferenigra Th. Mieg und melaina Groß.
Forster H., Forster H., Forster G.: Arytrura musculus (MENETRIES, 1859) – Bemerkungen zur Biologie und Beschreibung der Präimaginalstadien (Lepidoptera – Noctuidae)
Freese A. et al.: Habitat use of the endangered butterfly Euphydryas maturna and forestry in Central Europe
Freese A., Dolek M., Geyer A., Stetter H.: Biology, distribution, and extinction of Colias myrmidone (Lepidoptera - Pieridae) in Bavaria and its situation in other European countries
Galante E.: Coenonympha oedippus
Ghahari H.: Survey of the Ichneumonoidea and Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera) parasitoids of Saturniidae (Lepidoptera) in Iran
Gil T. F., Moreno-Benitez M. J.: The interesting taxa of Eumedonia eumedon (ESPER, 1780) from Andalusia (S. Spain) (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae)
Ginszt T. et al.: Osadnik wielkooki Lopinga achine
Glöckner M., Fartmann T.: Die Tagschmetterlings- und Widderchenfauna der Briloner Hochfläche (Hoch sauer landkreis)
Goloborodko K.: Rare and endangered butterflies (Lepidoptera – Hesperioidea, Papilionoidea) in the former rapids area of the Dnieper river
Goodyear L., Middleton A.: Purple Emperor (Apatura iris) report for Hertfordshire and Middlesex 2012
Goulet H.: Sphinx moths
Greenwings Wildlife: Butterflies of the Eastern French Pyrenees
Grieshuber J., Lamas G.: A Synonymic List of the Genus Colias FABRICIUS, 1807 (Lepidoptera - Pieridae)
Grill A., de Vos R. : Description of an aberration in the female genitalia of the butterfly Maniola jurtina
Gutiérrez L. F. et al.: Fauna lepidopterológica de Albacete
Haaland C., Bersier F.-L.: What can sown wildflower strips contribute to butterfly conservation - an example from a Swiss lowland agricultural
Hacker H. H., Gyulai P.: Supplement to the revision of the genus Hadena Schrank, 1802 by Hacker (1993, 1996) (Noctuoidea - Noctuidae, Hadeninae)
Handfield L., Handfield D.: Cucullia umbratica (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae), a new European noctuid in North America
Hausmann A. et al.: Now DNA-barcoded the butterflies and larger moths of Germany (Lepidoptera - Rhopalocera, Macroheterocera)
Heinecke C.: Schmetterlingsschutz in Deutschland
Hentz J.-L., D’Hondt J.-P.: Atlas provisoire des libellules et papillons de jour du département Gard. Version 2014
Herczig B. et al.: Contributions to the knowledge of the Noctuidae (Lepidoptera) fauna of the NE Caucasus II.
Heteropterus: Gipuzkoako Entomologia Elkartea No.19.
Hewitt S., Kydd B.: A Checklist of the Butterflies and larger Moths of Cumbria
Hodebert G.: Extrait de Inventaire de la faune menacée en France, La Laineuse du prunellier Eriogaster catax (Linné, 1758)
Höttinger H.: Grundlagen zum Schutz von Tagschmetterlingen in Städten (Lepidoptera - Papilionoidea & Hesperioidea)
Hovanitz W.: The distribution of Colias in the equatorial Andes
Huber K., Pröll H.: Notizen zur Biologie von Asteroscopus syriaca decipulae Kovács 1966 (Lepidoptera – Noctuidae)
Huemer P., Hebert N. D. P.: DNA-Barcoding der Schmetterlinge (Lepidoptera) Vorarlbergs (Österreich) - Erkenntnisse und Rückschlüsse - Supplement 1
Hüseyinoğlu Y., Akyol M.: Lepidoptera fauna in Akdağmadeni region of Yozgat, Turkey
Infusino M., Saitta S., Hausmann A.: Nuovi reperti di Lepidotteri Eteroceri per l’Italia e la Sicilia (Lepidoptera Geometridae, Lymantriidae)
Ingold W.: Schmetterlinge Raupen - Futterpflanzen
Ingold W.: Schmetterlinge Raupen – Futterpflanzen
Jagannadh V., Nair K. S. V.: Moulting and Morphogenetic Aberrations Induced by Diflubenzuron in Spodoptera mauritia
Jaksic N. P.: Target species and prime butterfly species in Serbia
Jean-Paul H., Patric R.: Données nouvelles sur Cucullia cemenelensis Boursin, 1923 en France
Jeong-Seop An., Choi S.-W., Ronkay L.: New Noctuidae (s.l.) species from the Korean fauna with description of a new species of Bryophila Treitschke, 1825 (Lepidoptera - Erebidae and Noctuidae)
Jez M., Galicic M.: The butterflies conservation policy for Slovenia – it’s state and perspectives
Jutzeler D., Lafranchis T.: Die Larvalstadien von Proterebia afra pyramus aus dem Norden Griechenlands. Larvalentwicklung der dalmatinischen P. afra dalmata im Vergleich und zur Geschichte des Namens unserer Art
Kalivoda H. et al.: Influence of the landscape structure on the butterfly (Lepidoptera, Hesperioidea and Papilionoidea) and bird (Aves) taxocoenoses in Veľké Leváre (SW Slovakia)
Karisch T.: Ergebnisse faunistischer Bestandserfassungen
Kauri M., J. Donald L.: Recent introductions of riparian noctuid moths from the palearctic region to north America, with the first report of Apamea unanimis (Hübner)
Kim D., Jeong M.-S.: Summer Lepidopterous Insect fauna of Mt. Bokju (Prov. Gangwon-do) in Korea
Kodandaramaiah U., Konvicka M., T. Tammaru, Wahlberg N., Gotthard K.: Phylogeography of the threatened butterfly, the woodland brown Lopinga achine (Nymphalidae - Satyrinae) – implications for conservation
Kodandaramaiah U., Wahlberg N.: Phylogeny and biogeography of Coenonympha butterflies (Nymphalidae Satyrinae) – patterns of colonization in the Holarctic
Konvicka M. et al.: For whom the bells toll Demography of the last population of the butterfly Euphydryas maturna in the Czech Republic
Kovács S., Kovács Z.: The Lepidoptera-fauna of Sfintu-Gheorghe and surrounding areas (Transsylvania, Romania) III
Kubínová R., Svajdlenka E.: Kumulace sekundárních metabolitu v larválních stádiích lisaje smrtihlava (Acherontia atropos) v závislosti na slození potravy
Kučinić M. et al.: First check list of the subfamily Arctiinae in Croatia, with the finding of Rhyparioides metelkana (Lederer, 1861), new species in croatian fauna
Kudrna O. : List of lepidopterological publications
Kühnert H.: Die Verbreitung von Antheraea yamamai Guer. im Bezirk Deutschlandsberg (Lepidoptera, Saturnidae)
Kulfan M., Degma P., Kalivoda H.: Lepidoptera of different grassland types across the Morava floodplain
Kwon S.-T., Kim S.-S., Lee M. C.: Local change of butterfly species in response to global warming and reforestation in Korea
La Société Guernesiaise: Moths and butterflies of Guernsey 2011
Lafranchis T.: Butterflies of Provence
Laiho J., Stahls G.: DNA barcodes identify Central Asian Colias butterflies (Lepidoptera, Pieridae)
Lampel J., Briscoe D. A. , Wasserthal T. L.: Expression of UV-, blue-, long-wavelength-sensitive opsins and melatonin in extraretinal photoreceptors of the optic lobes of hawkmoths
Landratsamt Schwarzwald-Baar-Kreis: Gelbringfalter (Lopinga achine)
Lange C. A., Wenzel A.: Wald-Wiesenvögelchen (Coenonympha hero)
Lindman et al.: Host plant relationships of an endangered butterfly, Lopinga achine (Lepidoptera Nymphalidae) in northern Europe
Luquet C. G. et al.: Coenonympha oedippus (FABRICIUS, 1787) Le Fadet des Laîches ou l’OEdipe
Mairiaux J., Hutsebaut J.: The identification of Apatura metis and Apatura ilia and their distribution in Greece and Turkey (Lepidoptera - Nymphalidae)
Marabuto E., Pires P., Cardoso P. J.: Contribuicao para o conhecimento dos Macrolepidópteros do Parque Natural da Serra da Estrela, Portugal (Lepidoptera)
Marec F. et al.: Development of Genetic Sexing Strains in Lepidoptera - from Traditional to Transgenic Approaches
Marhoul P., Dolek M.: Action Plan for the Conservation of the Danube Clouded Yellow Colias myrmidone in the European Union
Marianne S. Fred: Influence of resource distribution and abundance on the population structure and dynamics of Parnassius apollo
Martin M.: Päevaliblikad Otepää Looduspargis
Matov Y. A., Ilyina V. E., Poltavsky N. A.: Records of some rare noctuid moths (Lepidoptera Noctuidae) in Daghestan republic (Russia) in 2009
May H.: Ueber Colias Chrysotheme Esp.
Meulen J., Groenendijk D.: Assessment of the mobility of day-flying moths - an ecological approach
Meyer M., Pelles A. : Rote liste der Schmetterlinge Luxemburgs
Miller A.: Butterflies of the Italian Dolomites
Ministére de l’écologie, du développement et de l’aménagement durables: Lopinga achine (Scopoli 1763) La Bacchante
Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente: Saturniidae
Mondal M., Trivedy K., Kumar N. S.: The silk proteins, sericin and fibroin in silkworm, Bombyx mori Linn. - a review
Morel D. : Un élevage d’Acherontia atropos Linné
Moreno-Benítez M. J., Ríos-Bosquet A. J.: Aricia eumedon (Esper, 1780) nuevas localidades para las provincias de Málaga y Granada (Andalucía, España) (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae)
Nagy T. Z., Breman C. F., Dall’Asta U.: DNA barcoding of museum specimens of Lymantriidae preserved in the Royal Museum for Central Africa
Nässig A. W., Naumann S. : Saturniidae and Brahmaeidae of the Palaearctic Region - How many species are there
Naturschutzzentrum Erzgebirge: Große Schillerfalter (Apatura iris)
Non C. W., de Vries H. H.: Successful forest edge management for butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Nowacki J., Bidychak R., Palka K.: Callopistria latreillei (DUPONCHEL, 1827) new for Ukraine fauna and several rare species of noctuid moths (Lepidoptera - Noctuidae)
Nowacki J., Wasala R.: The noctuids (Lepidoptera – Noctuoidea - Nolidae, Erebidae, Noctuidae) of the rock areas near Mirów in Kraków-Czêstochowa Upland
Nowicki P. et al.: Butterfly monitoring methods – the ideal and the real world
Nupponen K.,Fibiger M.: Contribution to the knowledge of the fauna of Bombyces, Sphinges and Noctuidae of the Southern Ural Mountains, with description of a new Dichagyris
Ortiz S. A. et al.: Nuevos datos sobre los macrolepidópteros (Lepidoptera) del Sureste de la Península Ibérica
O’Donnell E., O’Donnell M.: Digitisation of Published Macro-moth Records - Report on extraction of historic macro-moth records from published literature
Parenzan P. et al.: Seven species of Lepidoptera (Lycaenidae, Geometridae, Noctuidae) new for the fauna of Sicily
Parenzan P., Porcelli F.: I macrolepidotteri italiani Fauna Lepidopterorum Italiae (Macrolepidoptera)
Pasta R.: Nagelfleck - Aglia tau (L.)
Pastorális G., Kalivoda H., Panigaj L.: Zoznam motýľov (LEPIDOPTERA) zi stených na Slovensku
Pathania C. P., Sharma S., Gill K. A.: Hawk moths (Lepidoptera Sphingidae) from North-West Himalaya along with collection housed in National PAU Insect museum, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India
Paukstadt U., Brosch U., Paukstadt H. L.: Preliminary Checklist of the Names of the Worldwide Genus Antheraea Hübner, 1819 (1816) (Lepidoptera - Saturniidae) Part I.
Peigler S. R. : False gynandromorp of Attacus atlas (Lepidoptera – Saturniidae)
Pendl M.: Schmetterlinge ‐ Zauber der Natur
Pérez P. J. J. et al.: Aportaciones corológicas para Rhopalocera (Lepidoptera) del N de España
Pérez-Guerrero S., Redondo-Villa J. A., Torres-Porras J.: Density, damage and distribution of Cucullia calendulae (Noctuidae) in patches of Calendula arvensis
Pettersson B. L., Franzén M.: Storfjärilar som ökar sin utbredning - nytillskotten i storfjärilsfaunan i sydligaste Sverige under perioden 1973-2009
Pe’er G. et al.: Butterfly diversity at the ecotone between agricultural and semi-natural habitats across a climatic gradient
Pickess P. B., Cadbury J. C.: Lepidoptera recorded at the RSPB's Arne Nature Reserve, Wareham, Dorset 1970 - 95
Pieszczek A.: Über die Verbreitung der Colias myrmidone Esp. in Österreich-Ungarn und deren Variabilität
Pietraszko M.: A new locality of Death’s Head Moth (Acherontia atropos - Linnaeus, 1758) in the Śląski Beskid Mts
Pinker R.: Mesotrosta signalis Tr.
Piorno H.M. et al.: Lopinga achine (Scopoli, 1763) nombre común Bacante
Plóciennik M., Lelo S., Jaskula R.: Species and genus of noctuidae (Lepidoptera) new for Bosnia and Herzegovina with some other moths and butterflies
Poltavsky A., Vjatcheslavovna E. I.: The Noctuidae (Lepidoptera) of the Daghestan Republic (Russia)
Poltavsky N. A., Nikolaevitch A., Artohin S. K.: New and rare Macrolepidoptera of the Rostov-on-Don region in South Russia (Lepidoptera)
Poltavsky N. A., Vjatcheslavovna E. I.: The Noctuidae (Lepidoptera) of the Daghestan Republic (Russia)II.
Predovnik Z., Verovnik R.: New records of rare pierids (Lepidoptera Pieridae) in Slovenia
Pronin G.: The mating time of Lepidoptera
Rachow M. C., Schütz S.: Olfactory response of Pale Tussock Calliteara pudibunda (L. 1758) (Lep., Noctuidae) and Tau Emperor Aglia tau (L. 1761) (Lep., Saturniidae) to stem volatiles of beech (Fagus sylvatica)
Rákosy L.: Die endemischen Lepidopteren Rumaniens
Rákosy L.: Die Noctuiden Romäniens
Rákosy L.: In memoriam Dr. Frederic König (1910-2002)
Rákosy L. : In Memoriam Prof. dr. Béla Kis
Rákosy L.: Rimetea - Historischer Hintergrund
Rákosy L. et al.: Lista lepidopterelor din Cheile Tisitei si imprejurimi
Rákosy L., Goia M.: Addenda und Corrigenda zu dem Verzeichnis der Schmetterlinge Rumäniens
Rákosy L., Goia M., Kovács Z.: Verzeichnis der Schmetterlinge Rumäniens
Rákosy L., Iulia M.: Lepidoptere diurne din itul Natura 2000 Dealurile Clujului Est
Rákosy L., Kovács S.: Rezervatia naturalá „Dealul cu Fluturi” de la Viisoara
Rákosy L., Székely L.: Macrolepidopterele din sudul Dobrogei
Rákosy L., Voda R.: Distribution of Maculinea genus in Romania
Rasmussen B.: Un lasiocampe nouveau pour l’Auvergne - Eriogaster rimicola (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lep. Lasiocampidae)
Rather H. A., Azim N. M.: Insect plant interaction-selection of potential host plants for oviposition by the adult female white cabbage butterfly Pieris brassicae
Ringwood, Z. K., Hill, J., Gibson C.: Observations ont he ovipositing strategy of Gortyna borelii Pierret, 1837 in a british population
Ritland David B.: The effect of Temperature of the Dark Phenotype in Female Papilio glaucus (Papilionidae)
Rochat D.: La hacheite Aglia tau
Romo H.: Lopinga achine
Rungs E. E. C.: Lépidoptères nouveaux du Maroc et de la Mauritanie
Rusti M. D., Dragomirescu L.: A revision of Parnassius apollo (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae) in Romania using numerical taxonomy
Rydell J., Lancaster C. W.: Flight and thermoregulation in moths were shaped by predation from bats
Saarinen K.: Butterfly communities in relation to changes in the management of agricultural environments
Sammut P., Borg J. J.: An annotated catalogue of the Lepidoptera collection of Guido Lanfranco at the National Museum of Natural History in Malta
Sanetra M.: Großer Schillerfalter - Apatura iris
Sasic M., Mihoci I.: New findings of the Woodland brown Lopinga achine (Scopoli, 1763) (Lepidoptera -Nymphalidae - Satyrinae)in Croatia
Schiess – Bühler H.: Aktionsplan Gelbringfalter (Lopinga achine)
Schmitt T., Rákosy L.: Changes of traditional agrarian landscapes and their conservation implications - a case study of butterflies in Romania
Scriber M. J., Evans M.: A New Heritable Color Aberration in the Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly, Papilio glaucus (Papilionidae – Lepidoptera)
Scriber M. J., Romack H., Deering D. M.: Aberrant color patterns in the Papilio and an update on the semi-melanic „fletcheri” variants, including females (Lepidoptera – Papilionidae)
Settele J.: Oedippus
Shreeve G. T., Dennis H. L. R., Roy B. D., Moss D.: An ecological classification of British butterflies - Ecological attributes and biotope occupancy
Sibatani A.: Decline and Conservation of Butterflies in Japan
Sielezniew M.: Coenonympha oedippus (Fabricius, 1787)
Silberglied E. R., Aiello A., Lamas G.: Neotropical butterflies of the genus Anartia – systematics, life histories and general biology (Lepidoptera – Nymphalidae)
Simpson D.: First records of the Woodland Brown (Lopinga achine) in Dordogne, SW France (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae)
Skórka P. et al.: Movements and flight morphology in the endangered Large Blue butterflies
Speidel W., Fänger H., Naumann M. C.: The phylogeny of the Noctuidae (Lepidoptera)
Spencer S., Collins S.: Reversing the decline in butterflies and moths across Europe – the importance of particular farming practices and the implications for CAP reform
Spitzer K., Jaros J.: Lepidoptera associated with the Cervené Blato bog (Central Europe) – Conservation implications
Spuler A.: Die Raupen der Schmetterlinge Europas
Steiner A.: Die Schmetterlinge Baden- Württembergs
Stijanovic V. D. et al.: New and rare moth species (Insecta Lepidoptera) from Serbia
Stojanovic D., Vajgand D.: The genus Abrostola Ochsenheimer, 1816 (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Plusiinae) in Serbia and Montenegro
Stojanović V. D., Ćurčić B. S.: The Diversity of Noctuid Moths (Lepidoptera Noctuidae) in Serbia
Stuhldreher G., Fartmann T.: Oviposition-site preferences of a declining butterfly Erebia medusa (Lepidoptera - Satyrinae) in nutrient-poor grasslands
Šumpich J., Konvička M.: Moths and management of a grassland reserve - regular mowing and temporary abandonment support different species
Šumpich J., Kuras T., Laštůvka Z., Liška J. & Sitek J.: Návrh třídění motýlích druhů za účelem specifikace přírodních typů biotopů
Surholt B. et al.: Non-shivering thermogenesis in asynchronous studies on males of Bombus terrestris, Xylocopa sulicatipes and Acherontia atropos
Surholt B., Newsholmet A. E.: The rate of substrate cycling between glucose and glucose 6-phosphate in muscle and fat-body of the hawk moth (Acherontia atropos) at rest and during flight
Swaay M. A. C.: Tracking butterflies for effective conservation
Székely L., Dincă V.: Leucania punctosa (Lepidoptera - Noctuidae), a new species in the Romanian fauna
Tiérrez L. F. et al.: The lepidopterological fauna of the province of Albacete (SE. Spain)
Tomás A., Marco R. L.: Los esfíngidos del suroeste de la provincia de Albacete
Traut W., Sahara K., Marec F.: Sex Chromosomes and Sex Determination in Lepidoptera
Trusch R.: Lepidoptera fauna of the German federal state of Baden-Wuerttemberg (south-western Germany) online
Tsimpilova Y., Romanova A., Varnavidou O.: Butterfly-watching expedition in the Altai Mountains, accompanied by the PH.D specialist for daylight butterflies of Altai
Tvrtkovic N., Mihoci I., Sasic M.: Colias caucasica balcanica Rebel, 1901 (Pieridae) in Croatia – The most western distribution point
University Museum of Zoology, Cambridge YZC: Animal of the Month, June 2012 Death’s Head Hawkmoth Acherontia atropos
Uranga F.: Contribución al conocimiento de los noctuidos de Mutriku (Gipuzkoa) (Lepidoptera – Noctuidae)
Uřičář J., Laštůvka Z.: Biologie a ekologické nároky bourovce trnkového (Eriogaster catax)
Valtonen A., Saarinen K., Jantunen J.: Effect of different mowing regimes on butterflies and diurnal moths on road verges
Verovnik R., Lasan M.: On the presence of Iolana iolas (Ochsenheimer, 1816) in Slovenia
Voda R. et al.: Demographic parameters of two sympatric Maculinea species
Vojvodic L.: Collection of butterflies by Stanko Radovanovic at the National Museum in Kikinda (Serbia)
Volynkin V. A.: Noctuidae of the russian Altai (Lepidoptera)
Wagner W.: Nelkeneulen der Gattung Hadena im Landkreis Heidenheim, Baden-Württemberg (Lepidoptera Noctuidae)
Wahlberg N.: On the status of the scarce fritillary Euphydryas maturna (Lepidoptera - Nymphalidae) in Finland
Wan X. et al.: Sequence Divergence and Phylogenetic Investigation of the Nymphalidae (Lepidoptera - Papilionoidea) Occurring in South Korea
Warren G. R.: Atlas of the Lepidoptera of Staffordshire (Acronictinae – Hypeninae), Hepialidae, Cossidae, Zygaenidae, Sesidae
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Wermelinger B., Lachat T., Müller J.: Forest insects and their habitat requirements
Wheeler J. D., Bampfylde C.J., Lewis M.A.: Modelling temperature-dependent larval development and subsequent demographic Allee effects in adult populations of the alpine butterfly Parnassius smintheus
Wilk T., Felger A.: Nowe stanowisko osadinka wielkookiego Lopinga achine (Scopoli, 1763) (Lepidoptera – Nymphalidae) w poludniowej Polsce
Williams T.: The Brenne - 100 butterfly species on your doorstep
Wilson J. R. et al.: Changes to the elevational limits and extent of species ranges associated with climate change
Wolf W., Hacker H.: Beiträge zur Makrolepidopterenfauna Nordbayerns
Wolf W., Hacker H.: Rote Liste gefährdeter Nachfalter (Lepidoptera – Sphinges, Bombyces, Noctuidae, Geometridae) Bayerns
Yela L. J., Monteys S. V.: Lista sistemática de los Noctuidos del área iberobalear – revivión crítica y puesta al día (Insecta – Lepidoptera, Noctuidae)
Yoshido A.: The W chromosome Detection in Several Lepidopteran Species by Genomic in situ Hybridization (GISH)
Zahiri R., Fibiger M.: The Plusiinae of Iran (Lepidoptera - Noctuidae)
Zakharova Y. E.: Phenotypic Variation in Ural and Siberian Populations of the Heath Coenonympha amaryllis (Stoll, 1782)
Zimmermann M., Wahlberg N., Descimon H.: Phylogeny of Euphydryas Checkerspot Butterflies (Lepidoptera - Nymphalidae) Based on Mitochondrial DNA Sequence Data